Watch: Police Volunteer Brutally Attacks Elderly Chareidi Rabbi Over Alleged Mask Infringements


PETAH TIKVA (VINnews) — A police volunteer was caught on security cameras as he brutally assaulted an elderly rabbi near a Petach Tikva shul.  Ynet reports that the volunteer had previously harassed worshipers during Shabbat and repeatedly called the police when people took off their masks.

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However he returned on a weekday when everyone in the kollel inside the shul was wearing masks, according to Yaakov, a member of the kollel. The rabbi, 65-year-old Rabbi Dovid Pick, who had ensured that everyone was wearing a mask, came out and shouted at the volunteer to stop harassing people and leave the site and then he was set upon and attacked. The attacker, Netanel Engel, knocked the rabbi to the ground and then kicked him in the head.

The attacker’s lawyer, attorney Kobi Flimo claimed that “this was an unusual event in his life, and he was the one who was attacked first and only because of what he said. The items leaked to the internet demonstrate a type of violent behavior but the clip did not include all the stages of the event.”

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rudolf kastner kluj
rudolf kastner kluj
3 years ago

the jews need to eliminate the bolsheviks before the bolsheviks kill them again

Golden Medina
Golden Medina
3 years ago

This is what we get when we ask for “shtrarke Zionists” a shande on our history is this failed experiment. Feh

Brooklyn resident
Brooklyn resident
3 years ago

Thank G-d I don’t live in Israel. The constant hatred perpetrated against Chareidim is deplorable. Here in America I can serve the Aibishter without being beaten and brutalized by my fellow Jews. Kiruv rechokim here is much easier and pleasant. There is no hate. Why is there so much hate in secular Israel? Why do Jews in Israel show such much hate towards fellow Jews??? Is someone fanning the flames? When Moshiach comes, I’ll go there. Until then, I want no part of such hate.

stating the obvious
stating the obvious
3 years ago

I have notified by Young Israel that they will be honoring the attacker as man of the year for doing such great humanitarian work

GoDol HaDor
GoDol HaDor
3 years ago

How did the Nazis ym”s descend to such a level as to be able to murder children and elderly??
Thru years of systematic propaganda and brainwashing that Jews were vermin and not human
Same has happened in the state of Israel
years of state induced hatred of Orthodox Jews ,years of tolerating violence against frum Jews has given birth to these descendants of Kapos these anti semites
Who can push and kick an elderly jew and justify it for whatever reason
Disgusting people disgusting

3 years ago

Hate of the chareidi is simple to understand – when you are made to feel “less than” while you are going to the army and paying taxes while others don’t, that breeds resentment. Kiruv is NOT easy, nor is it always pleasant. It takes determination and love of your acheinu bnei Yisroel to persevere DESPITE resistance. That is why Yad L’Achim, Chinuch Atzmai, Aish and others are true heroes because they persevere.
Despite your observation, which is probably based on very little travel within Israel, most frum chareidi Israelis would never even think of moving to Brooklyn. If one deranged “volunteer” causes you to shun Israel, what will you do if an army of George Floyd supporters march down 13th Ave or Lee and Bedford? Where will you go then?

3 years ago

In America a Frum Yid can choose if he wants to learn Torah or go to daven. The government or army doesn’t harass him. He can choose if he wants to go to work. The government or army doesn’t harass him. He can choose what field of parnassa he wants to do. The government or army doesn’t doesn’t harass him. He can travel and leave the country and then return. The government or army don’t harass him. In Israel THE GOVERNMENT AND ARMY DO CONTROL EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR LIVES AND HARASS YOU TO NO END IF YOU DON’T FOLLOW ORDERS!!! This has nothing to do with being Frum or Kiruv or anything else. It has everything to do with personal freedoms. Here in America we have it. In Israel you don’t. To bring these isolated riots as proof that it’s not, is asinine and immature. If you live in Israel, kol hakavod. Great. Good for you. But please don’t preach to us here in chutz liaretz. We B”H have plenty of Gedolim and poskim. Rashi and the Vilna Gaon didn’t live in Israel either.

Israel lover, dislike Zionists, but trying Kiruv
Israel lover, dislike Zionists, but trying Kiruv
3 years ago

what will you do if an army of George Floyd supporters march down 13th Ave or Lee and Bedford? Where will you go then?

Most certainly NOT Israel, for the very reason that # 1,2,3,4 had mentioned

3 years ago

VENISHMARTEM is Doche even ahavas yisroel

rudolf kastner kluj
rudolf kastner kluj
3 years ago

Maskilim yemach shemam created zionism, communism, bundism, deform etc. Most german nazis including heetlir had jewish parents and the Zionists and european nazis were allies. All ghettos were ruled by zionists. The head of the jewish Gestapos like the ones that liquidated the Warsaw and Vilna ghettos and forced the females and children into prostitution, were ruled by zionists and after WWII, zionists like rudolf kastner yemach shemo saved their high ranking SS friends from hanging in Nuremberg.

rudolf kastner kluj
rudolf kastner kluj
3 years ago

Maskilim yemach shemam created zionism, communism, bundism, deform etc. Most german nazis including heetlir had jewish parents and the Zionists and european nazis were allies. All ghettos were ruled by zionists. The rule of the jewish Gestapos like the ones that liquidated the Warsaw and Vilna ghettos and forced the females and children into prostitution, were ruled by zionists and after WWII, zionists like rudolf kastner yemach shemo saved their high ranking SS friends from hanging in Nuremberg.

RAV Friedman
RAV Friedman
3 years ago

this whole incident is sad but the guy is now in Jail

Yonason Herschlag
Yonason Herschlag
3 years ago

Al tamod al dom rea’acha. How was this low-life left to walk off. He should have been pinned down harshly and not left capable of walking off.

stating the obvious
stating the obvious
3 years ago

I am wondering why no condemnation by the 5 towns crowd? is it because they wished they did the same?

3 years ago

To all the anti Israel frummies…Stay in America and have a nice time….Look around…Do you feel safe?

Fool that you are.

3 years ago

To understand events today, you must look at the arc of history. The ahavas Tzion of your typical frum Israeli has nothing at all to do with Herzl or any other secular Zionist. The socialists and Bundists and all the other “-ists ” have been but a tool to get to where we are today and iy”h will be tomorrow. There is more Torah l’shma being learned in Israel today since perhaps Chizkiyahu and that’s NOT from the sitra achra. What is though from the sitra achra is ,the vile hatred spewed by some misguided souls in the name of a kedusha that was pure in intent but has been twisted over time for political and financial reasons. There is much to improve in Israel without a doubt, and the real Chovovei Zion- not the politicians, but the ehrliche young families who live their Torah lives fulfilled in a seviva of Kedushas Eretz Yisroel – they are the ones who will change the face of Israel from within. With Torah, midos, yashrus – and yes, patience. Others might complain about the shortcomings, but they are doing something about it Kol Hakovod. We should never forget that most of Klall Yisroel did not leave Mitzrayim, they were not zoche. Even amongst those who did, they probably thought Nachshon crazy for jumping into the water at the Yam Suf. “Too cold, too deep, can’t swim…” must have been only some of the reasons. Nations are not built by complainers – but by doers. May H-shem send Moshiach quickly so He can explain why all this was necessary.

3 years ago

Very interesting comment – is that anecdotal or factual? Wishful thinking deprives one of the ability to assimilate facts and reach sound decisions.